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Jamoulle, M. (03 April 2017). Themes related to prevention in the Q-Codes taxonomy. Call to a collaborative exploration into the abstracts of Europrev meetings [Paper presentation]. EUROPREV FIRST INTERNATIONAL MEETING, Porto, Portugal.
Lire la suite : Themes related to prevention in the Q-Codes taxonomy. Call to a collaborative exploration into the abstracts of Europrev meetings.[en] Background For the documentation of the clinical data, the International Classification of Primary Care (ICPC-2) is used, often in conjunction with the more granular International Classification of Diseases (ICD). For retrieval of scientific bibliographic information in GP/FM, Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) are used. With over 25,000 available MeSH descriptors, indexing is not easy, and yet not all aspects of the broad field of GM/FM are covered . ICPC-2 has been developed to identify reasons for encounter, symptoms, acts performed or requested and diagnosis in daily practice: It captures clinical encounters for epidemiological research. But, it was not constructed to reflect the non-clinical aspects of the profession, such as organizational, managerial, educational, and investigational aspects. Recently, a new taxonomy of organizational aspect of GM/FM has been developed to ameliorate this situation. The purpose of this development was to provide tools to exploit modern technology in terminology for information storage and retrieval systems , such as machine learning, semantic web techniques and natural language processing (NLP). The 182 concepts identified were thoroughly described in terminology records, which are freely accessible on the web ( All concept and definitions were translated into 8 languages and are available online. ( A book is available in 6 languages To develop the Q-codes 1700 abstracts of GP/FM congresses have been carefully analyzed. This has been the basis of the work. As a team of the EGRPN has also analyzed 600 EGPRN abstracts and developed a taxonomy of research, I have this work has been incorporated to update the QR domain. Thus ongoing Q-Codes are based on the analysis of 2300 abstracts The most important fact is that there is a Q-Codes only if the theme has been discussed by physicians during congresses. This is a bottom-up approach which contrast with the expert approach of the authors of textbook The Q-Codes have been integrated with the clinical classification ICPC-2 into a coherent whole, under the name Core Content of General Practice and Family Medicine (3CGP), for further enhancement of medical documentation and indexing of GP/FM master thesis and congress abstracts The value of a taxonomy is determined by the quality and speed of the maintenance and updating process. This will be handled by a working group of the Wonca International Classification Committee (WICC) ( already authors of ICPC-2. Aim to present the preventive aspects of the Q-codes, a taxonomy specifically directed to describe the managerial aspects of GP/FM. To make a call to Europrev members to come an board of the Q-codes working group and to help to make more accurate the preventive fields in the Q-Codes taxonomy download abstract below