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Quaternary prevention: First, do not harm. Keynote 

Jamoulle, M. (23 June 2011). Quaternary prevention: First, do not harm. Keynote [Paper presentation]. 11th Congres of the Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina de Família e Comunidade (SBMFC), Brasilia, Brazil. [en] Clinical prevention has been organized in a chronological manner since the middle of the 20th century. A paradigmatic shift from a chronological to a relationship-based prevention organization…

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Médico de familia, desviaciones y límites.

Jamoulle, M. (02 October 2011). Médico de familia, desviaciones y límites [Paper presentation]. Seminario de Innovación en Atención Primaria. Prevención Cuaternaria (Concepto, Enseñanza, Costo, Política de Igualdad y Salud), Barcelona, Spain. [en] El análisis del concepto de prevención, de acuerdo a un eje relacional y no a un eje cronológico, ha permitido poner en evidencia la existencia…

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Publishing a Multilingual Medical Terminology According to Terminology Standards and Linked Data Principles.

Warnier, M., Roumier, J., Jamoulle, M., Cardillo, E., Vander Stichele, R., & Romary, L. (2012). Publishing a Multilingual Medical Terminology According to Terminology Standards and Linked Data Principles. In SABRE Conference 2012. [en] The data source is a multilingual medical database manually created by Mr Marc Jamoulle, a Belgian general practitioner with a long experience in…

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A new website for the Wonca International Classification Committee

Jamoulle, M., Gusso, G., Falcø, E., Juncosa, S., Buono, N., & Simon, C. (25 June 2013). A new website for the Wonca International Classification Committee [Poster presentation]. Wonca world conference Prague 2013, Pragues, Czechia. [en] Aim and content of the web site of the Wonca International Classification Committee

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Workshop, Addressing the limits of medical practice. Wonca 2013.

Jamoulle, M., Tsoi, G., Heath, I., Mangin, D., Zakaria Pezeshki, M., & Pizzanelli, M. (26 June 2013). Workshop, Addressing the limits of medical practice. Wonca 2013 [Paper presentation]. Wonca world congress Prague 2013, Prague, Czechia. [en] Workshop, Addressing the limits of medical practice. Wonca 2013 DAY: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 SESSION: WORKSHOP: 2.15. Ethics and law SESSION…

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Chibani, D., Henry, A. P., Thibaut, P., Lescrainier, C., & Jamoulle, M. (27 March 2014). Pharmacovigilance en médecine générale [Poster presentation]. 9e Congrès de Médecine Générale, Paris, France. [fr] En ces temps troublés où la surmédicalisation semble être un maître mot, il paraît important de se pencher sur le système belge de pharmacovigilance, en comprendre les rouages…

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Content analysis of abstracts of communications of GP during congresses, a step forward.

Jamoulle, M. (06 September 2014). Content analysis of abstracts of communications of GP during congresses, a step forward [Paper presentation]. WICC open day, Lisbonne, Portugal. Lire la suite : Content analysis of abstracts of communications of GP during congresses, a step forward. Keywords: médecin de famille; abstract as topic; knowledge management Abstract : [en] Département universitaire de médecine générale. University…

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Docpatient Project

Welcome to DocPatient, the central hub for accessing the research of Marc Jamoulle and his colleagues. This platform is the culmination of over 40 years of dedicated work in the fields of family medicine, medical informatics, and healthcare systems.


Here, you will find a wealth of information stemming from decades of innovative research, collaborations, and teachings aimed at improving patient care and the efficiency of healthcare delivery.

Copyright © 2024 Cabinet de Médecine Générale Jamoulle et Associés (BCE 0880659238).
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Welcome to DocPatient, the central hub for accessing the research of Marc Jamoulle and his colleagues. This platform is the culmination of over 40 years of dedicated work in the fields of family medicine, medical informatics, and healthcare systems.

Here, you will find a wealth of information stemming from decades of innovative research, collaborations, and teachings aimed at improving patient care and the efficiency of healthcare delivery.

This site represents a bridge between the rich history of medical advancements and the future of healthcare information technology, all made accessible to professionals and patients alike.

© 2024 Docpatient project is edited by Cabinet de Médecine Générale Jamoulle et Associés (BCE 0880659238). All Rights Reserved.