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Dumontier, E., Vignon, G., Jamoulle, M., Pestiaux, D., & Minguet, C. (September 2009). Could the undergraduate French and Belgian training program explain the shortage of GPs in both countries? [Poster presentation]. 15th Wonca Europe Conference 2009 Basel, Bale, Switzerland.
[en] Introduction: Shortage of manpower in GP/FM is a serious problem in Belgium and France. Despite the advertisement of some authorized voices, the evolution of the medical cursus in medicine has been oriented towards technology and specialties in the last 40 years and the low number of medical students attracted by the profession of GP is now a fact. Aim: In a attempt to explain this shortage, the author try to identify the similarities and dissimilarities between the undergraduate cursus in France and Belgium. Methods: • Exploring the training programs of the two structures one in Reims and one in Brussels (Univ of Louvain) • Participating to the vocational training sessions in both sites to meet the former undergraduate students • Conducting an inquiry with trainees in GP/FM in both sites about their choice of career.