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Augusto, D., Rebolho, R., Jamoulle, M., Poli Neto, P., & Gusso, G. (05 November 2017). Coding of papers submitted to the 14th Congresso Brasileiro de Medicina de Família e Comunidade [Paper presentation]. 14ª. edição do Congresso Brasileiro de Medicina de Família e Comunidade (CBMFC), Curutiba, Brazil.
Lire la suite : Coding of papers submitted to the 14th Congresso Brasileiro de Medicina de Família e Comunidade .[en] The intention of codifying the 14th CBMFC’s work with the use of 3CGP (Core Concept Classification in General Practice Family Medicine) appeared during the 21st WONCA World Conference of Family Physicians, when members of the organizing committee of the 14th CBMFC were able to participate in an activity given by Dr Marc Jamoulle on the subject and realized how important it could be to use 3CGP. It consists of using the International Classification of Primary Care (CIAP-2) and the Q-Codes to classify the contents of abstracts submitted to the congress. CBMFCs are large events, which usually receive a substantial number of abstracts. The experience of using 3CGP in an event of this magnitude can have a great impact for the development of the specialty in the country, besides having a pioneering character, contributing for 3CGP to become an international standard in the congresses of family and community medicine. Objectives: Assist the author in the choice of theme; Teaching how to index; Contribute to updating the Q Codes; Manage the congress; Contribute in the management of knowledge in family and community medicine. Method: This is an action research experiment that will consist of the coding of all abstracts submitted to the 14th CBMFC with the use of 3CGP. Authors will be introduced to the classification system by means of an introductory text and should submit their work on the event site using a system that already allows them to perform the encoding of the abstract. The data obtained in this process will be evaluated by members of the organizing committee of the 14th CBMFC, who will be in charge of synthesizing it.