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No Harm

In the 1980s and 1990s, while attending public health courses at the Free University of Brussels, the question of quality and quality management was at the forefront of attention. It was the beginning of the movement to establish private health centers called "Maison Médicales" in Belgium. My friend Michel Roland, a professor of general medicine at ULB, guided me in taking my first steps in quality assurance. It was during this time, specifically in 1985, during a statistics class taught by Professor Raphaël Lagasse, that I had a small idea that would go on to circulate worldwide under the name of quaternary prevention. Quality assurance can be summed up in the phrase, "Do what you said you were going to do." Quaternary prevention can be summarized as "Do No Harm."

Chibani, D., Henry, A. P., Thibaut, P., Lescrainier, C., & Jamoulle, M. (27 March 2014). Pharmacovigilance en médecine générale [Poster presentation]. 9e Congrès de Médecine Générale, Paris, France. [fr] En ces temps troublés où la surmédicalisation semble être un maître mot, il paraît important de se pencher sur le système belge de…

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Prévention quaternaire : agir est-il toujours justifié en médecine de famille ? 

Widmer, D., Herzig, L., & Jamoulle, M. (14 May 2014). Prévention quaternaire : agir est-il toujours justifié en médecine de famille ? Revue Médicale Suisse, 10 (430), 1052-6. [fr] La prévention quaternaire vise à protéger le patient ou la po- pulation de la surmédicalisation. Elle imprègne toute l’activité du médecin de famille…

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 Pharmacovigilance au quotidien.

Chibani, D., Henry, A. P., Lescrenier, C., & Jamoulle, M. (21 May 2014). Pharmacovigilance au quotidien [Poster presentation]. Rencontres Prescrire Paris 2014, Paris, France. [fr] Objectif : La pharmacovigilance fait partie de la prévention tertiaire puisqu'elle a pour but de surveiller l'apparition de complications et de les prévenir. Pratiquer la pharmacovigilance relève…

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Comentário sobre artículo de Miguel Pizzanelli “Principios Éticos y Prevención Cuaternaria: ¿es posible no proteger el ejercicio del principio de autonomía?”

Jamoulle, M. (September 2014). Comentário sobre o artigo de Pizzanelli. Revista Brasileira de Medicina de Família e Comunidade, 9 (31). Lire la suite : Comentário sobre artículo de Miguel Pizzanelli “Principios Éticos y Prevención Cuaternaria: ¿es posible no proteger el ejercicio del principio de autonomía?” Articulo sobre el que se realiza el…

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Teaching ethics of prevention while defining fields of activities in GP/FM, a success of WICC.

Jamoulle, M. (06 September 2014). Teaching ethics of prevention while defining fields of activities in GP/FM, a success of WICC [Paper presentation]. WICC Open Day, Lisbonne, Portugal. Lire la suite : Teaching ethics of prevention while defining fields of activities in GP/FM, a success of WICC. [en] Teaching ethics of prevention while defining…

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Prevenção Quaternária e limites em medicina.

Jamoulle, M., & Gomes, L. (30 September 2014). Prevenção Quaternária e limites em medicina. Revista Brasileira de Medicina de Família e Comunidade, 9 (31). doi:10.5712/rbmfc9(31)867 Lire la suite : Prevenção Quaternária e limites em medicina. [pt] O conceito de Prevenção Quaternária, um questionamento sobre a base da ação médica, nasceu na articulação da…

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A propos de deux cas de manipulation de patients dans le cadre de recherches cliniques.

Jamoulle, M. (October 2014). A propos de deux cas de manipulation de patients dans le cadre de recherches cliniques [Poster presentation]. Rencontre Precrire 2014, Paris, France. Lire la suite : A propos de deux cas de manipulation de patients dans le cadre de recherches cliniques. Keywords: family practice; medical ethics; clinical trial…

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Quaternary prevention, an answer of family doctors to overmedicalization.

Jamoulle, M. (04 February 2015). Quaternary prevention, an answer of family doctors to overmedicalization. International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 4 ((X)), 1-4. doi:10.15171/ijhpm.2015.24 Lire la suite : Quaternary prevention, an answer of family doctors to overmedicalization. [en] In response to the questioning of Health Policy and Management (HPAM) by colleagues on…

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Docpatient Project

Welcome to DocPatient, the central hub for accessing the research of Marc Jamoulle and his colleagues. This platform is the culmination of over 40 years of dedicated work in the fields of family medicine, medical informatics, and healthcare systems.


Here, you will find a wealth of information stemming from decades of innovative research, collaborations, and teachings aimed at improving patient care and the efficiency of healthcare delivery.

Copyright © 2024 Cabinet de Médecine Générale Jamoulle et Associés (BCE 0880659238).
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Welcome to DocPatient, the central hub for accessing the research of Marc Jamoulle and his colleagues. This platform is the culmination of over 40 years of dedicated work in the fields of family medicine, medical informatics, and healthcare systems.

Here, you will find a wealth of information stemming from decades of innovative research, collaborations, and teachings aimed at improving patient care and the efficiency of healthcare delivery.

This site represents a bridge between the rich history of medical advancements and the future of healthcare information technology, all made accessible to professionals and patients alike.

© 2024 Docpatient project is edited by Cabinet de Médecine Générale Jamoulle et Associés (BCE 0880659238). All Rights Reserved.