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Themes related to prevention in the Q-Codes taxonomy. Call to a collaborative exploration into the abstracts of Europrev meetings.

Jamoulle, M. (03 April 2017). Themes related to prevention in the Q-Codes taxonomy. Call to a collaborative exploration into the abstracts of Europrev meetings [Paper presentation]. EUROPREV FIRST INTERNATIONAL MEETING, Porto, Portugal. Lire la suite : Themes related to prevention in the Q-Codes taxonomy. Call to a collaborative exploration into the abstracts…

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A terminology in General Practice / Family Medicine to represent non-clinical aspects for various usages.

Jamoulle, M., Grosjean, J., Ittoo, A., Resnick, M., Treuherz, A., Vander Stichele, R. H., Cardillo, E., SHAMENEK, F., & Vanmeerbeek, M. (2017). A terminology in General Practice / Family Medicine to represent non-clinical aspects for various usages. In R. Randell et al. (Ed.), Informatics for Health: Connected Citizen-Led Wellness and Population…

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Coding of papers submitted to the 14th Congresso Brasileiro de Medicina de Família e Comunidade .

Augusto, D., Rebolho, R., Jamoulle, M., Poli Neto, P., & Gusso, G. (05 November 2017). Coding of papers submitted to the 14th Congresso Brasileiro de Medicina de Família e Comunidade [Paper presentation]. 14ª. edição do Congresso Brasileiro de Medicina de Família e Comunidade (CBMFC), Curutiba, Brazil. Lire la suite : Coding of…

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Towards the semantic annotation and the prevention of the loss of information of second opinion requests from rural Brazilian primary healthcare providers: the Q-codes use case – a work in progress.

Resnick, M. P., Cardillo, E., Jamoulle, M., Novaes de Araujo, M., & Shamenek, F. S. (2018). Towards the semantic annotation and the prevention of the loss of information of second opinion requests from rural Brazilian primary healthcare providers: the Q-codes use case – a work in progress. In Challenges and Opportunities…

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Multilingual resource to disseminate main concepts in Family Medicine and Primary care.

Jamoulle, M., Bae, J.-M., Pizzanelli, M., Ouvrard, P., Grosjean, J., & Darmoni, S. (19 October 2018). Multilingual resource to disseminate main concepts in Family Medicine and Primary care [Poster presentation]. WONCA World Seoul 2018, Seoul, South Korea. Lire la suite : Multilingual resource to disseminate main concepts in Family Medicine and Primary…

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Indexing grey multilingual literature in General Practice: Family Medicine in the Era of Semantic Web.

Jamoulle, M., Pizzanelli, M., Cardillo, E., Ittoo, A., Vander Stichele, R., Resnick, M., Grosjean, J., Darmoni, S., & Vanmeerbeek, M. (December 2018). Indexing grey multilingual literature in General Practice: Family Medicine in the Era of Semantic Web. Grey Journal, Spring 2018 (1). Lire la suite : Indexing grey multilingual literature in General…

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The M@dnote project. Giving colour to Grey Literature in General Practice. A collaborative GPs knowledge network.

Pizzanelli, M., Resnick, M. P., Cardillo, E., & Jamoulle, M. (03 December 2018). The M@dnote project. Giving colour to Grey Literature in General Practice. A collaborative GPs knowledge network [Poster presentation]. Grey Literature 20th congress, New Orleans, United States. Lire la suite : The M@dnote project. Giving colour to Grey Literature in…

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Une base de connaissance multilingue et dynamique en ligne pour la médecine générale et les soins primaires. 

Jamoulle, M., Knupp Augusto, D., Pizzanelli, M., de Oliveira Tavares, A., Resnick, M. P., Grosjean, J., & Darmoni, S. (2019). Une base de connaissance multilingue et dynamique en ligne pour la médecine générale et les soins primaires. Pan African Medical Journal. doi:10.11604/pamj.2019.32.66.15952 Lire la suite : Une base de connaissance multilingue…

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Context and practice of the final work of pre graduate student in General Practice / Family Medicine. Use of 3GCP in Integrated Master’s of Medicine at the University of Coimbra.

Tavares, A., Santiago, L. M., Jamoulle, M., Rosendo, I., & Simões, J. A. (2019). Context and practice of the final work of pre graduate student in General Practice / Family Medicine. Use of 3GCP in Integrated Master's of Medicine at the University of Coimbra. Family Medicine and Primary Care Review.…

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Docpatient Project

Welcome to DocPatient, the central hub for accessing the research of Marc Jamoulle and his colleagues. This platform is the culmination of over 40 years of dedicated work in the fields of family medicine, medical informatics, and healthcare systems.


Here, you will find a wealth of information stemming from decades of innovative research, collaborations, and teachings aimed at improving patient care and the efficiency of healthcare delivery.

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Welcome to DocPatient, the central hub for accessing the research of Marc Jamoulle and his colleagues. This platform is the culmination of over 40 years of dedicated work in the fields of family medicine, medical informatics, and healthcare systems.

Here, you will find a wealth of information stemming from decades of innovative research, collaborations, and teachings aimed at improving patient care and the efficiency of healthcare delivery.

This site represents a bridge between the rich history of medical advancements and the future of healthcare information technology, all made accessible to professionals and patients alike.

© 2024 Docpatient project is edited by Cabinet de Médecine Générale Jamoulle et Associés (BCE 0880659238). All Rights Reserved.