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The Tale of Quaternary Prevention: How Partnering with Patients Leads to a New Approach to Prevention.

The Tale of Quaternary Prevention: How Partnering with Patients Leads to a New Approach to Prevention.Jamoulle, Marc; Roland, Michel; Pizzanelli, Miguel et al. 2023 • 15th Geneva conference on person-centered medicine. [en] In the mid-20th century, clinical prevention mainly focused on the disease and its progression. How- ever, the emergence of person-centered care, physician-patient partnerships, and increased awareness of the potential…

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Celebrating over half a century : The WONCA International Classification Committee (WICC)

2017 WICC meeting, Lyon, France CELEBRATING OVER HALF A CENTURY: The WONCA International Classification Committee (WICC), a cornerstone of WONCA since its inception in 1972, is celebrating more than five decades of shaping patient care and classification systems. Read more about the history of WICC. WICC REUNION: Join us for a special Zoom meeting on May 24th, 2024, from…

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Quatre téléconsultations lointaines par Whatsapp – Four remote consultations via Whatsapp

J Quatre téléconsultations lointaines par Whatsapp Marc Jamoulle, Md, PhD, médecin de famille, Belgique, 2024 HEC, information management, Univ. de Liège et Labo d’informatique médicale, Univ. de Rouen La Belgique est un pays curieux où les autorités sanitaires prennent des décisions sans étude préalable et sur base de leurs convictions personnelles. Au moment…

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Pour une auto-évaluation de la qualité des soins de 1er échelon. Audit médical et relevé d’information. 

Jamoulle, M. (October 1985). Pour une auto-évaluation de la qualité des soins de 1er échelon. Audit médical et relevé d’information. Actualité Santé, 75, 3. [fr] L’article qui suit présente succinctement l’audit médical et sa procédure. Cette approche nécessite une méthodologie précise du relevé d’information et demande une conception dynamique du dossier médical.

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Information et informatisation en médecine générale.

Jamoulle, M. (1986). Information et informatisation en médecine générale. In P. VAN BASTELAER, J. BERLEUR (Ed.), C. LOBET-MARIS (Ed.), R. POSWICK (Ed.), ... G. VALENDUC (Ed.), Les informa-G-iciens. Les professionnels de l'informatique dans leurs rapports avec les utilisateurs Actes des III°Journées de Réflexion sur l'Informatique (3°J.R.I.), Namur, 28 et 29 novembre 1986 (pp. 193-209). Namur, Belgium: Presses…

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Docpatient Project

Welcome to DocPatient, the central hub for accessing the research of Marc Jamoulle and his colleagues. This platform is the culmination of over 40 years of dedicated work in the fields of family medicine, medical informatics, and healthcare systems.


Here, you will find a wealth of information stemming from decades of innovative research, collaborations, and teachings aimed at improving patient care and the efficiency of healthcare delivery.

Copyright © 2024 Cabinet de Médecine Générale Jamoulle et Associés (BCE 0880659238).
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Welcome to DocPatient, the central hub for accessing the research of Marc Jamoulle and his colleagues. This platform is the culmination of over 40 years of dedicated work in the fields of family medicine, medical informatics, and healthcare systems.

Here, you will find a wealth of information stemming from decades of innovative research, collaborations, and teachings aimed at improving patient care and the efficiency of healthcare delivery.

This site represents a bridge between the rich history of medical advancements and the future of healthcare information technology, all made accessible to professionals and patients alike.

© 2024 Docpatient project is edited by Cabinet de Médecine Générale Jamoulle et Associés (BCE 0880659238). All Rights Reserved.